Author Archives: Oliver

Broken love: letting my IDA maintenance period run out next year

With IDA 9.0 Hex-Rays says they are switching to a subscription only model. This was already threatened to existing customers before — roughly two or three years ago — and of course it is being sold with totally great benefits … Continue reading

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Das Aus für MetaGer … zumindest so wie’s mal war

MetaGer, die datenschutzfokussierte Suchmaschine des gemeinnützigen Vereins SUMA-EV, wird es ab sofort nicht mehr in der bekannten Form geben. Zwar wird es weiterhin möglich sein, den Service tokenfinanziert zu nutzen. Für die Mitglieder und Nutzer, die mit einem Schlüssel MetaGer … Continue reading

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Tomorrow it will be decided if I agree with Victoria Nuland

… and her infamous line “Fuck the EU”. Why? Because tomorrow the decision will be made whether the EU introduces surveillance for what’s meant to be private communication. Originally the voting was supposed to be done today (2024-06-19). More information … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Human Rights, IT Security, Opinion, Privacy | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Reminder to myself

env GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM=true GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=0 GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL=/dev/null git … can be used to suppress reading the configuration file. Useful with this error: BUG: refs.c:2083: reference backend is unknown error: git-remote-https died of signal 6 … which is caused by a particular configuration option.

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The end of international law?

Well, I guess the inaction of the UNSC in the case of the Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus emboldened Ecuador to raid the Mexican embassy. I wonder if future historians — provided there will be any — … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Opinion, Peace | Leave a comment


I have written about Microsoft Teams before (in German), how horrible a user experience it is and so on. Let me tell you, it hasn’t gotten any better. Only “newer”. Remember, Microsoft loves Linux now. Right? Or so people, including … Continue reading

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Migrating data from 2 TB SSD to 4 TB SSD with iODD ST400 drive enclosure

Linux is my main system, but I prefer using NTFS for various use cases and in fact some use cases require something like NTFS. The ST400 is the successor of several Zalman-rebranded iODD devices which bring a similar feature set. … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, EN, Linux | Tagged , | 7 Comments

Two more useful flags for cl.exe

/Be appears to spit out a make file snippet that contains the recipe to reproduce a given run of cl.exe. It takes into account variables. Check it out: all: @cd D:\17.7.5\x64 @set INCLUDE= @set LIB= @set LIBPATH= @set CL=/nologo /utf-8 … Continue reading

Posted in C/C++, Reversing, Software | Tagged | Leave a comment

(New) shittiest software from Microsoft in my book

Previously the so-called Office and especially Teams were ranking quite high among the shittiest software from Microsoft in my book. In fact Teams in all its incarnations is probably going to take up the four rear slots in my top … Continue reading

Posted in /dev/null, Software | Tagged | Leave a comment

NATO’s open door policy

Now, while any small town club is able to reject applications for membership and scholarships are tied to preconditions — and ignoring for a minute that NATO even refused to talk about Russia’s security interests, including its unwillingness to accept … Continue reading

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Undocumented MSVC

Some ongoing research. For obvious reasons I can only share results and tools, but not actual sample data.

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Log build command lines with cl.exe, link.exe and friends

Turns out you can enable detailed logging of the command lines run by MSBuild when building from Visual Studio or the command line. This may not seem like much, until you realize that technically you rarely get to see the … Continue reading

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Jetzt wird Farbe bekannt

Mit der Ankündigung Großbritanniens panzerbrechende Munition mit abgereichertem Uran (Englisch “depleted uranium”) an die Ukraine zu liefern — und den quasi nicht existenten medialen Einsprüchen — haben die “Unterstützer” der Kiewer Regierung unter Selenskij Farbe bekannt. Behauptete man bisher noch … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Meinung, Wertewesten | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Geschichte und Geschichten

Ist schon faszinierend daß die Kubakrise häufig zum Vergleich mit der aktuellen Weltlage — mithin der Beziehung zwischen Rußland und den USA — bemüht wird, jedoch regelmäßig auch hier die “Krise” entsprechend der US-amerikanischen Lesart mit der Stationierung von Raketen … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Gedanken, Meinung | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Aiding reproducibility in builds with MS Visual C++

<AdditionalOptions>%(AdditionalOptions) /d1trimfile:”$(SolutionDir)\”</AdditionalOptions> In your .vcxproj file or a Directory.Build.props when passed to the compiler (cl.exe, ClCompile) this should trim the leading path used for __FILE__. The backslash is actually required here, because SolutionDir ends in a backslash itself, but we … Continue reading

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Initialization of static variables (reminder)

Nice blog article which I ran across again recently: PS: probably also worth a look: Paged Out

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FIDO2 für Kreditkarte (Sparkasse). Aber nicht mit Linux!

Im letzten Jahr hatte ich eine Kreditkarte bei der Sparkasse beantragt — Mastercard war das einzige was im Angebot war, aber gut. Also beantragt und direkt nach Erhalt einmal benutzt. Schon der zweite Versuch ging in die Hose, da aufgrund … Continue reading

Posted in DE, IT Security, Meinung | Tagged , | 7 Comments

Floating point precision … printf-VS2013-vs.-later-VS-version edition

As developers we probably all know that floating point precision can be an issue . It can haunt us in various ways. Generally when we talk about precision, though, we probably don’t have in mind printf as the first thing. … Continue reading

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Enabling RSA (with SHA-1) again in OpenSSH server

The sshd version that ships with Ubuntu 22.04 seems to have abandoned RSA authentication. Well, that’s not true. It’s about the hash algorithm used by the “old” protocol by the name ssh-rsa, which is deemed insecure by today’s standards. RSA … Continue reading

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Bash training I gave some years ago

This is a Bash training I gave some years ago, which I had — however — prepared on my own time. Some parts may be outdated. Others may need some touching up, but in general I think it can be … Continue reading

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