Tag Archives: MSVC

Two more useful flags for cl.exe

/Be appears to spit out a make file ((arguably NMake flavored)) snippet that contains the recipe to reproduce a given run of cl.exe. It takes into account variables. Check it out: all: @cd D:\17.7.5\x64 @set INCLUDE= @set LIB= @set LIBPATH= … Continue reading

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Undocumented MSVC

Some ongoing research. For obvious reasons I can only share results and tools, but not actual sample data.

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Log build command lines with cl.exe, link.exe and friends

Turns out you can enable detailed logging of the command lines run by MSBuild when building from Visual Studio or the command line. This may not seem like much, until you realize that technically you rarely get to see the … Continue reading

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Floating point precision … printf-VS2013-vs.-later-VS-version edition

As developers we probably all know that floating point precision can be an issue ((Since I like the writing style, let me recommend this article and this article by Bruce Dawson; you can find other awesome stuff on his blog, … Continue reading

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That trick I learned with the Visual Studio debugger

Alright, I’ll admit it it: I am in team WinDbg. Sure, I’ll happily use WinDbgX — the “Preview” version of the “new” WinDbg which has been in preview for ages now — but I always was a bit unhappy with … Continue reading

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dumbin.exe, editbin.exe, lib.exe …

They’re all just slim wrappers around the actual link.exe, not using a common DLL or so, but actually invoking: dumpbin.exe simply invokes “link /dump” and failing that “link.exe link /dump” editbin.exe simply invokes “link /edit” and failing that “link.exe link … Continue reading

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What does adding masm targets do under the hood

If in Visual Studio when you right-click a C/C++-project in the Solution Explorer, you choose Build Customizations…, the following dialog will be presented: If you check the item for masm, the following changes will be done to your .vcxproj file: … Continue reading

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