Category Archives: IT Security

Any security related topics such as posts about vulnerabilities, malware, rootkits

Tomorrow it will be decided if I agree with Victoria Nuland

… and her infamous line “Fuck the EU”. Why? Because tomorrow the decision will be made whether the EU introduces surveillance for what’s meant to be private communication. Originally the voting was supposed to be done today (2024-06-19). More information … Continue reading

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FIDO2 für Kreditkarte (Sparkasse). Aber nicht mit Linux!

Im letzten Jahr hatte ich eine Kreditkarte bei der Sparkasse beantragt — Mastercard war das einzige was im Angebot war, aber gut. Also beantragt und direkt nach Erhalt einmal benutzt. Schon der zweite Versuch ging in die Hose, da aufgrund … Continue reading

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ASR rule “Block Win32 API calls from Office macros”

Microsoft says it’s fixed. It may be, but I think there’s more to it than meets the eye. Colleagues of mine noticed that, aside from shortcuts disappearing, Defender also started acting up on TortoiseProc.exe from TortoiseSVN. Notably, checkouts would fail … Continue reading

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Certum Open Source Code-Signing certificate

In the past I used a variety of code-signing CAs. But for a few years now I am using Certums affordable offer for Open Source developers. Let’s assume you already have their latest hardware and merely want to renew or … Continue reading

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FLOSS-Developers gone bonkers?

So as I understand under the hashtag #StandWithUkraine some idiots have started supply-chain attacks, targeting Russian and Belarussian targets. I’ll leave the exercise to find the respective repos on GitHub to the inclined reader. Has everyone gone bonkers now? Aside … Continue reading

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Unprofessional, hopeless, Sectigo

In February I applied for an AuthentiCode code-signing certificate for personal projects. I decided to go with KSoftware, a reseller of Sectigo certificates. That was February 15th. TL;DR: More than two months and dozens of emails later I’m none the … Continue reading

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Swiss companies and IT security

Given there’s a rather (in?)famous Swiss messenger touted as secure — but not open source — and the same was said about Crypto AG products until someone lifted the lid off the conspiracy surrounding that I’m wondering how one can … Continue reading

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Recently I ran across a little problem with GnuPG which required some pragmatic solution. I came across a patch that looked promising and because no binaries were provided and if they had been I would not have trusted them, I … Continue reading

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Finally … (adblocking)

I’ll out myself as iPhone 5s user now. I bought it with a German vendor who specializes in used and refurbished devices, not just from Apple. The latest update to iOS brings two features I really like: accommodates ad-blockers and … Continue reading

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Oh my, shock moment with my private key

So I had generated myself a private key using OpenSSL to create a CSR for an Authenticode code signing certificate from Symantec. Today the certificate was issued, but to collect it, one needs to get the key into the browser. … Continue reading

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What a headline “FBI arrests 100 hackers over Blackshades malware”

Claims The Guardian. Well, a few things: Hacker refers to a very broad skill set, it doesn’t refer to motives or lack of ethical framework. The term in such case is usually cracker. Many skilled people with a perfectly intact … Continue reading

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Critique of systemd

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Schneier briefed Congress

Bruce Schneier, a well-known cryptography expert and one of the few with access to the documents leaked by Snowden, briefed six Congress representatives on Thursday. Probably still a more honest speech than Obama’s. ON another note, here’s a fun quote … Continue reading

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A list of links

… in no particular order: and Hashtags: #NullifyNSA and #StopTheNSA // Oliver

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“Why are you spying on Grandma?”

… just got to read these two gems earlier today: Former Top NSA Officials Insist Employees Are Leaving Because Obama Is Mean, Not Because They Object To NSA’s Current Activities NSA Sent Home Talking Points for Employees to Use in … Continue reading

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Speaking of the devil

Just recently I mentioned Clean MX in this blog post and sure enough today I received another automated abuse message from them and relayed to me via Hetzner, my hoster. This time, however, I plan not to be so lenient … Continue reading

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No relief

In the past software I wrote ended up in detection of anti-malware programs, more traditionally known under the term antivirus (AV) programs ((technically most of the malware that is found in the wild today aren’t viruses anymore)). As you may … Continue reading

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Bruce Schneier about the latest information concerning NSA/GCHQ and cryptography

How to remain secure against NSA surveillance Take it always with a grain of salt, but he is an established expert and he has been openly critical against surveillance in his newsletters. // Oliver PS: another comment from Schneier: The … Continue reading

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What the creator of PGP thinks …

Read it over here. Excerpt: If we have a change in the government sometime in the future, that government will have such a powerful tool of surveillance, that we will find ourselves in a terrible predicament that we won’t be … Continue reading

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Catch 22

So in the UK porn filters will be mandatory soon on public WLAN hotspots and even homes, reports Wired. Well, good for them chaps on the British Isles. Only this creates a small problem. Being slightly paranoid, I am using … Continue reading

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