Category Archives: Human Rights

Tomorrow it will be decided if I agree with Victoria Nuland

… and her infamous line “Fuck the EU”. Why? Because tomorrow the decision will be made whether the EU introduces surveillance for what’s meant to be private communication. Originally the voting was supposed to be done today (2024-06-19). More information … Continue reading

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Key witness for US in Assange case recants testimony

This is big, but I doubt that it’s going to change anything for Assange really. The British judge proved the UK is in bed with the US to keep Assange locked up. There is no other explanation for the January … Continue reading

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So turns out — for now! — Assange won’t be extradited. Whether he’ll be set free on bail is yet to be seen, though ((… allegedly to be decided on Wednesday, January 6th)). The thing is that the lawyers representing … Continue reading

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Free Assange

There’s little to say about this, although I could go on for hours about it: CrowdJustice campaign by Stella Morris (partner of Assange and mother of his two sons) Reporters without Borders website petition One of the best … Continue reading

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Chilling short film. Also check out

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Close the Guantánamo detention site and end indefinite detention

President Obama, I support closing the Guantánamo detention site and ending indefinite detention and urge you to get the job done before you leave office. Instead of justice for the September 11 attacks, Guantánamo has given the world torture, indefinite … Continue reading

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Dear Mister President (POTUS)

I know I don’t get to vote for or against you despite being subject of a vassal state of the US, but then the same applies to some of your own citizens in certain overseas territories. Nevertheless I hope you … Continue reading

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Several botched executions in the recent past in the US after the individual states had trouble to acquire the drugs for the deadly cocktail whose inventor – a pathologist – is, by the way, against the death penalty now. All … Continue reading

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First anniversary

Exactly one year ago dozens of humans were massacred in the union house in Odessa. Here’s a documentary about the incident. Unfortunately the western media didn’t exactly do a great job covering the incident last year or ever since. This … Continue reading

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Death penalty again

Two recent editorials of The Times of Shreveport (Louisiana) shine a light at the mechanisms behind the death penalty, especially the second one: State should give Ford real justice RE: “State should give Ford real justice,” March 8, 6D No … Continue reading

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Rodney Reed

As recently noted below the article about Tony Abbots remarks that Texas was about to kill an innocent man. Good news is that the execution scheduled for 5th of March 2015 has been postponed according to the Wikipedia article (permalink … Continue reading

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Tony Abbott is right

I’m no fan of this hardliner, but him asking for clemency for two drug traffickers from Australia on the death row in Indonesia was the right thing to do. The outrage of the Indonesians is understandable, because those drug traffickers … Continue reading

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Brave man!

Yasiin Bey, aka Mos Def, endured on camera what the hunger strikers in Gitmo have to endure while being force fed. Kudos to the man for this bravery. Go watch the clip, if you dare. // Oliver

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George Carlin

Remember him? One of my favorite contemporary American satirists. He had one piece where he stated that we have no rights. In particular he referred to all the Americans always yammering about their rights. He then pointed to the Americans … Continue reading

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A list of links

… in no particular order: and Hashtags: #NullifyNSA and #StopTheNSA // Oliver

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“Why are you spying on Grandma?”

… just got to read these two gems earlier today: Former Top NSA Officials Insist Employees Are Leaving Because Obama Is Mean, Not Because They Object To NSA’s Current Activities NSA Sent Home Talking Points for Employees to Use in … Continue reading

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Is this the world we created?

Bolivian minister: Evo Morales’ plane rerouted on suspicion Snowden on board

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Re: Are Americans the next Germans?

More circumstantial evidence transpired that US-Americans don’t understand the concept of irony anymore: Charles Schumer said: “He is not at all like the great human rights crusaders in the past, the Martin Luther Kings or the Gandhis who did civil … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Germans have no notion of sarcasm, Human Rights, Peace, Thoughts | 2 Comments

“But I have got nothing to hide!”

If you have countered privacy concerns from people like me with that silly statement, you may be interested in reading this article. A particular tidbit: One can usually think of something that even the most open person would want to … Continue reading

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Putin approves …

… of the show Femen put up for him and gives a thumbs up: … and enjoys it visibly: Merkel didn’t join the bare-breasted protest, though. // Oliver PS: The young lady’s back says: “Иди нахуй Путин” which translates roughly … Continue reading

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