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Category Archives: Programming
So much for a smart cache …
There are always reasons not to cache certain data. An antispam measure I have implemented in several forums over the years is one of them. However, now trying to migrate to phpBB3 it appears there is no clever way to … Continue reading
mydumper – nice alternative for mysqldump
I’m using MariaDB. Now, I had the idea for smaller DBs to use the SQL dump and store that in a version control system such as Mercurial or Git. However, the ordinary mysqldump creates quite unreadable dumps. Since the version … Continue reading
Posted in C/C++, EN, Linux, Programming, Python, Software, Unix and unixoid
Billiger StackOverflow-Abklatsch auf Deutsch
Einfügung (Update 2): liebe aufgebrachte Für die offensichtliche und unbewußte Täuschung durch meinen durch die Zeit zurückgereisten bösen Klon kann ich mich nur entschuldigen. Dieser Beitrag wurde im Original am 10.3. um 3:21 (UTC, also 4:21 dt. Zeit) eingestellt. … Continue reading
Posted in DE, Gedanken, Programming, Software
Top ten disk space hogs in current folder
du -cks *|sort -rn|head -11|awk ‘{printf “%-8.2f MiB\t%s\n”, $1/1024, $2}’ NB: first item is the total size, so it outputs eleven lines. Update: a better version is this one: du -cks *|sort -rn|head -11|awk ‘{printf “%-8.2f MiB\t”, $1/1024;\ for(i=2; i
Posted in /dev/null, Bash, EN, Linux, Unix and unixoid
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WordPress/twentyten header image
Had some trouble with the built-in twentyten images. The header image is saved inside a serialized hash in the database complete with the protocol and server name as well as the blog home URI. The problem with this is if … Continue reading
Visual Studio 2003 and DEP
Some time ago I enabled the alwayson setting for the noexecute switch in boot.ini. Turns out some older programs don’t like it. I had already found out at some point for Borland C++ Builder 6, but this time it was … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Programming, Software
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Encounter of the third kind
When I flew back to Iceland, there was a guy who literally had a red hat (or fedora) on. Initially I thought I should ask him whether he’s a user of Linux – guessing some “red hat” connection, but then … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Linux, Programming, Software, Thoughts
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DNAT for a Jabber/XMPP service
Problem: you have one external IP and want to run separate services on different hosts behind the router. Here’s a small script to DNAT the router to the host behind it. Netfilter will take care of the return traffic (so … Continue reading
Posted in Bash, EN, Linux, Software
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So no Inline Assembler in 64bit Delphi? Get over it!
Honestly. I’m seeing people go on and on about that issue, while I can’t help noticing other much bigger issues with Delphi all the time. No PDB support strikes me as a pretty big issue for one, or getting a … Continue reading
Posted in Delphi, EN, Programming, Software
Hah, und es geht doch
Ich bin ja in Sachen Namespaces auch in C++ schon konservativ, daher benutze ich in Python vorzugsweise: import module statt: from module import * da letzteres mir ja alle Symbole ohne Rücksicht in den aktuellen Bereich übernimmt. Nachdem ich zuerst … Continue reading
Posted in DE, Programming, Python
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Haha, that was so predictable …
Embarcadero is continuing to dig its own grave! The way Embarcadero treats legit customers is akin to the way the movie and music industries treat their legit customers. The paying customer sees the FBI warning (and isn’t allowed to skip … Continue reading
Posted in Delphi, EN, Programming
Slightly confusing – but only very slightly
MSDN documentation which came with Visual Studio 2005 (installed locally) says: MSDN documentation for VS2005 online at the MSDN website says: MSDN documentation for VS2003 online at the MSDN website says: MSDN documentation for WinCE 5.0 online at the MSDN … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Programming, Software
“The system cannot execute the specified program.” #2
I did indeed solve the issue reported here. The problem must have been somewhere between my ears. Once you do it right, it works 😉 While sigcheck from Sysinternals is a very nice tool, it simply does not compare to … Continue reading
“The system cannot execute the specified program.”
There is a pretty interesting article over at about the problems connected with IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY (set through /integritycheck ever since VS2005) and ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH (aka Win32 error code 577). Now, I’ve been fighting with this problem for two full days and … Continue reading
Posted in EN, IT Security, Programming, Reversing, Software
Tagged force integrity, integrity check, sigcheck, signtool
Painful lessons I had to learn again and again
Since this is something I’ve stumbled over several times now and since it is discussed in Microsoft’s documentation only as if there is only the option to import it into your store, i.e. within your user account. Now, I was … Continue reading
Fighting with Windows 7 SDK
I’ve been fighting with the Windows 7 SDK which kept complaining that I have no Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 installed. Well, I don’t have 2008 installed, but I do have 2005. Problem, however, was that most posts on the … Continue reading
Check it out: Visual Studio 2010 Help Downloader
Mathias pointed me to the Visual Studio 2010 Help Downloader. Will give this a try soon. I hate when I have to be online to access the docs. But the VS 2005 docs are obviously not up-to-date for Windows 7, … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Programming, Software
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Kleines Cheat-Skript für “Drakensang – am Fluß der Zeit”
Wie man schon von mir weiß, bin ich ein Cheater. Ich lege mehr wert auf die Geschichte welche mir ein Computerspiel erzählt, als darauf langwierig die gleiche Stelle wieder und wieder zu versuchen bis es gelingt. Hier ist ein kleines … Continue reading
Posted in DE, Programming, Software
SQLite index optimization
Learned one fascinating fact tonight: when creating indices for a table in SQLite the order in which the columns are indexed seems to have a huge impact on performance. On the table in question, which has 20.2 million rows, one … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Programming, Software
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So Embarcadero released version XE of the RAD Studio. Great stuff. Would love to buy it, but for a private person buying an upgrade is quite pricey. 800 EUR or 700 EUR until September 30th as a special offer. As … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Programming