On last Saturday I took an extended swim in Laugardalslaug (use a web search for photos etc). On Sunday I did again 80 x 50 m. As you can see the distance per lap there is twice as long as in Sundhöll.
Today I regret having done (mostly) yesterdays swim. I went earlier in the afternoon and apparently brought a souvenir that will probably nag and remind me for at least a full week. Fun fun fun … 😕
It’s a sun burn. My entire backside except the area covered by the swimming trunks feels like on fire.
Yes, this is Iceland but where’s the ice, I’d appreciate some.
These were also the first two times for my waterproof MP3 player (1 GB Aquabeat) to show what it can do. It worked fine and lasted throughout the whole exercise on Saturday. No idea what the nominal battery life is supposed to be, but I reckon that’s good. Time flies when you’re having music. Only downside, both times I had to adjust the earplugs after the first few laps. On Saturday that was twice during the first eight laps and the time it took has already been factored out in the above number 😉
// Oliver
PS: I wish I had the tongue of a giraffe.