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Tag Archives: ubuntu
Running old Ubuntu versions as chroot with proot
Currently I am working on building a modern Clang/LLVM-based toolchain for ancient Ubuntu versions. In order to do that I wrote a few helper scripts I am using in conjunction with proot to run old Ubuntu rootfs inside a chroot … Continue reading
Posted in Bash, EN, Linux, Programming, Software, Unix and unixoid
Tagged proot, ubuntu
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How to get English error messages on a localized Ubuntu?
Have you ever noticed that oftentimes people in anglophone forums will almost be offended if someone quotes an error message in their local language? Well, on one hand I can understand it, on the other I see more value in … Continue reading
Selecting the editor on Debian/Ubuntu non-interactively
Set the selected editor on Ubuntu/Debian for yourself and root in one line: echo ‘SELECTED_EDITOR=”/usr/bin/vim.nox”‘|tee $HOME/.selected_editor| \ sudo tee /root/.selected_editor or echo “SELECTED_EDITOR=\”$(which vim.nox)\””|tee $HOME/.selected_editor| \ sudo tee /root/.selected_editor // Oliver
Finding the kernel command line …
Something I’ve been looking for for some time now: cat /proc/cmdline
Installing php5 on Ubuntu requires apache2?
When I wanted to install lighttpd today I added php5 to the apt-get install. But then it would tell me that apache2 and numerous other packages would also get installed. Turns out that instead of php5 I actually wanted php5-cgi. … Continue reading
Little annoyance
Lately in Ubuntu 10.04 I got upon login two times the output about the number of packages available to be updated. One of them always outdated. I have long tried to find the reason and finally managed to. The problem … Continue reading
ecryptfs and sshd, again
In January I described an issue with ecryptfs and sshd. Now I wanted to get X11 forwarding to work with it, but the problem essentially remains the same. All I got this time was: /usr/bin/X11/xauth: timeout in locking authority file … Continue reading
Posted in EN, IT Security, Linux, Software, Unix and unixoid
Tagged Linux, sshd, ubuntu, X11, x11 forwarding, xming
ecryptfs and sshd …
I just made a discovery on the Ubuntu box I run. After being unable to log into it using SSH and my public key which it refused with a laconic Permission denied (publickey), I tried to dig deeper. So obviously … Continue reading