Monthly Archives: July 2014


Wie unangenehm für die Spiegel-Redakteure, daß ihnen jetzt ein Gegenwind seitens der deutschen Bevölkerung entgegenbläst – um nicht zu sagen -stürmt. In ihrem Blog in dem die Kommentarfunktion taktisch klug abgeschalten ist, echauffieren sich die Spiegel-Redakteure ob der Empörung welche … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Gedanken, Meinung | Leave a comment

Beer lovers who are actually beer haters?

Too often I see self-proclamations of beer lovers that advertise all kinds of equipment to cool down the beer to arctic temperatures. I am not sure how these people qualify as beer lovers. If you numb your taste buds by … Continue reading

Posted in Beer, EN, Opinion | Leave a comment

Palettes in Iceland?

Okay, palettes (vörubretti) can be bought in Iceland from Saltkaup in Hafnarfjörður. I picked the plastic ones as they are lighter ((just 4.5 to 7.5 kg for a EUR1-size palette)) and offer more net weight for the freight I plan … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland | Leave a comment

Live from Iceland? Yep!

Turns out the webcam at Jökulsárlón is indeed live. Here am I yesterday around half past five in the afternoon: (click to see full size) … in my lime shirt with the “Free Shrugs …” motto and brown corduroys. // … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

A pretty good one

Here’s a “joke” on part of NATO, quote: Secondly, all of NATO’s deployments have taken place on NATO territory, with the intention to deter threats to NATO territory. True, but of course this ignores the promises that were made more … Continue reading

Posted in /dev/null | Leave a comment

When in Rome …

Strange, the parents – especially the native Icelandic mother – of this 10-year old girl (related English article by The Guardian) should have been aware of the naming rules here in Iceland. What’s the big deal? Usually Icelanders have first … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Opinion | Leave a comment