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Category Archives: Linux
Why it isn’t “useless” to defragment SSDs
Has anyone tried searching for information on how to defragment stuff and run across a snarky remark that defragmenting on an SSD is pointless? Well, I have. One time too often, it turns out. So I am sitting down to … Continue reading
Posted in /dev/null, EN, Linux, Rant
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I have written about Microsoft Teams before (in German), how horrible a user experience it is and so on. Let me tell you, it hasn’t gotten any better. Only “newer”. Remember, Microsoft loves Linux now. Right? Or so people, including … Continue reading
Migrating data from 2 TB SSD to 4 TB SSD with iODD ST400 drive enclosure
Linux is my main system, but I prefer using NTFS for various use cases and in fact some use cases require something like NTFS. The ST400 is the successor of several Zalman-rebranded iODD devices which bring a similar feature set. … Continue reading
Signing my code from within a (Windows) VM
My main workstation runs Linux. It has for quite some time now. I had some issues getting 3D acceleration passed through using my AMD GPU and VMware Workstation, but finally got it to work. However, this time it’s about signing … Continue reading
Running IDA 7.x/8.x inside Crossover 21/22/24
For a few versions I had issues running IDA Pro in Crossover with IDAPython enabled. Prior to the starting issues, everything worked fine, e.g. in the IDA 6.x version range. Please note that the setup of IDA Pro also succeeded … Continue reading
Running old Ubuntu versions as chroot with proot
Currently I am working on building a modern Clang/LLVM-based toolchain for ancient Ubuntu versions. In order to do that I wrote a few helper scripts I am using in conjunction with proot to run old Ubuntu rootfs inside a chroot … Continue reading
Posted in Bash, EN, Linux, Programming, Software, Unix and unixoid
Tagged proot, ubuntu
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Alacritty as default GNOME terminal application
Personally I prefer Super+T as my primary shortcut for opening the terminal from anywhere in my desktop environment. However, how can I replace the existing terminal application in GNOME so that the keyboard shortcut setting applies to an alternative terminal … Continue reading
SSH reverse tunnel
With autossh you can establish an SSH reverse tunnel from a given system, provided it can reach some other machine via SSH outside its own network. You can also do that with ssh alone, but autossh comes with added features … Continue reading
Posted in Administration, EN, Linux, Software, Unix and unixoid
Fully static build of tmux using libc-musl for Linux
Find a script that does the job here. It will download the source packages if they do not already exist and then unpack them into a subfolder of the current directory named tmux. Then it will one by one compile … Continue reading
Posted in C/C++, EN, Linux, Programming, Unix and unixoid
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Signing an RPM unattended …
It appears that there is no way to sign an RPM package unattended with the default tools. However, expect comes to the rescue. I found two descriptions on other blogs how to do it: from 2008 here: GPG signing RPMs … Continue reading
Cheeky and stupid bot …
The bot with user agent Linguee Bot (; just downloaded approximately 2 GiB of stuff from a ViewVC-listing on one of my servers. Just because it’s stupid, but also because it’s so cheeky to ignore robots.txt. So be it. … Continue reading
How to get English error messages on a localized Ubuntu?
Have you ever noticed that oftentimes people in anglophone forums will almost be offended if someone quotes an error message in their local language? Well, on one hand I can understand it, on the other I see more value in … Continue reading
Clever indeed
Just for giggles and some test I installed Kubuntu in Russian and it turns out that the “Д/н” prompts can also be acquitted with y or n as one would expect. Otherwise I would have been in a kerfuffle as … Continue reading
Tmux is great … (but how to build on Lucid Lynx?)
… only a few troubles to get it to build on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 😉 Basically you’ll want libevent2, which doesn’t come in the package repos, so fetch it from here. Then you obviously fetch the tmux source via … Continue reading
SSL error with a newly signed cert?
Last night I literally spent hours figuring out an alleged issue with the certificate from StartCom. Of course the problem was entirely on my end, in the editor to be precise. But what happened? I fetched ca-bundle.pem and entered it … Continue reading
Posted in Administration, EN, IT Security, Linux, Software
Tagged lighttpd, SSL, StartCom
Highly useful: ddrutility
During a rescue mission I encountered read errors on both hard drives of a degraded RAID. Since most commercial end-user tools limit your flexibility I went for Ubuntu Rescue Remix 12.04 in order to use ddrescue. However, to my delight … Continue reading
Posted in Administration, EN, Linux, Software, Thoughts, Unix and unixoid
Tagged toolbox, utility
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Raspberry Pi shipping …?
Seems the first batches went to Farnell and RS. I registered my interest at RS already, let’s see. Seems like the demand is way above supply, so it’s pure chance. Besides, it appears that they sell only one per person … Continue reading
prune-kernels function …
If you are like me, you will have noticed on Ubuntu (and sometimes Debian) that stale old kernels remain on the disk even when they aren’t needed anymore. I wrote a little Bash function to get rid of those kernels. … Continue reading
Posted in Administration, Bash, EN, Linux, Programming, Unix and unixoid
Tagged bash
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Selecting the editor on Debian/Ubuntu non-interactively
Set the selected editor on Ubuntu/Debian for yourself and root in one line: echo ‘SELECTED_EDITOR=”/usr/bin/vim.nox”‘|tee $HOME/.selected_editor| \ sudo tee /root/.selected_editor or echo “SELECTED_EDITOR=\”$(which vim.nox)\””|tee $HOME/.selected_editor| \ sudo tee /root/.selected_editor // Oliver