Category Archives: VCS

Reminder to myself

env GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM=true GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=0 GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL=/dev/null git … can be used to suppress reading the configuration file. Useful with this error: BUG: refs.c:2083: reference backend is unknown error: git-remote-https died of signal 6 … which is caused by a particular configuration option.

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Changing local Git clone from master to main

I never understood why Git chose master as the default branch name, MAIN in CVS seemed more sensible, but perhaps Torvald’s animosity towards CVS and SVN plays a role. Presumably trunk in SVN is a reference to the tree-like structure, … Continue reading

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Git once again honors its name #2

Why is it that: $ git rev-parse –symbolic –branches gives me a perfectly parseable output when the more logical $ git branch -l gives me an extra “remark” ala: * (detached from v1.0.0)? The objective was to find out whether … Continue reading

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Git once again honors its name

So I created a bundle using git bundle create bundlename.bundle –all and when cloning from it I get loads of warning: unrecognized header …. Looking at the bundle file it’s obvious that data from the repository file contents has leaked … Continue reading

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In which Hg repo is the hook getting executed?

REPOPATH=$(hg showconfig|sed -n ‘s/^bundle\.mainreporoot=//p’) Based on this, btw, I came up with the following hook in the hgrc file: [hooks] changegroup.bundlerepo = hg bundle -a $(hg showconfig|sed -n ‘s/^bundle\.mainreporoot=//p’)/.hg/bundled.hg The idea is to create a bundle with all revisions whenever … Continue reading

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Mercurial woes

Today I stumbled over an awkward issue. Pulling from a repo mounted read-only I always got: searching for changes adding changesets transaction abort! rollback completed abort: index [filename] is corrupted! where the filename would differ. First I tried downgrading my … Continue reading

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Bitbucket not accepting StartCom CA

After contacting the Bitbucket support, I now know that they don’t support the StartCom CA. The apparent reason is that they use the stock CA certs supplied by Redhat (no version was specified in the response). It’s a bit annoying, … Continue reading

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Some of my stuff now also on Bitbucket

Find it via // Oliver

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Rather balanced

Mercurial vs Git: Why Mercurial? Git vs Mercurial: Why Git? And more goodness follows here.

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Thank you, whoever you are. Thank you sooo much!

Finally someone says it. Finally! Quote: Who the FUCK cares? Use what YOU like, not what someone on the internet tells you to. I wholeheartedly agree. Except when read vertically

Posted in EN, Programming, Software, VCS | 2 Comments

Not used often enough in my opinion

Often people put on a condescending smirk when they hear that I still have to use CVS, let alone Subversion, in some projects. In numerous projects I have seen the performance of CVS and that of Subversion and it is … Continue reading

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Small problem with CVS …

Today I was trying to check out from a CVS repo like this: [1] oliver@foobar:~$ cvs -d :ext:oliver@cvs.domain.tld:/cvs/path-to-repo co module connect to address Connection refused Trying krb4 rsh… connect to address Connection refused trying normal rsh (/usr/bin/rsh) cvs … Continue reading

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CVS and SSH on a very old machine …

Had trouble getting it to work with ancient versions of ssh (OpenSSH_3.1p1) and cvs (Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.20). Until I figured that I could write a little wrapper script to see what’s wrong. The wrapper script looked like this: … Continue reading

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FLOSS not sustainable for companies?

A few weeks ago I reported about ksplice whose Git repository had disappeared. Now the same happened for Likewise Open which was bought by BeyondTrust. After renaming the repository and moving its location from git:// to git:// it now also … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, EN, Linux, Software, Thoughts, VCS | Leave a comment

cvsnt [server aborted]: Couldn’t open default trigger library: No such file or directory

To my surprise I noticed CVSNT is now only available for money (and compared with my other development tools for a lot of money, so I’ll stick with Mercurial which comes with plenty of better features for which I would … Continue reading

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Listing the CVS tags on a file

cvs status -v file |\ awk ‘/Existing Tags:/{c=1;next}c{print}’ |\ awk ‘{print $1}’ Gives a plain list of tags, nothing fancy, though …

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