Category Archives: Thoughts

Comments about what happens in the world, currently.

So many questions this morning

Did Hillary already prepare her concession speech? Will Hillary accept the election results or keep us in suspense? How long will Mr. Drumpf’s term be? He’s not going to be as profitable to the MIC ((Military Industrial Complex)) as Hillary … Continue reading

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President Trump

Let’s face it, it looks like Trump will win, despite the bitching and moaning of the so-called “liberal” press in the US ((I’m merely using the terms as they’re used in the US, I dislike how they are used as … Continue reading

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Does the Brexit mean we can have the word “Marmelade” back?

The German loan word Marmelade for any kind of fruit preserve predates the first mentioning of marmalade in English literature by about a century. The real origin can be found in Greek, passed to us via Romance Languages, in particular … Continue reading

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No shit? I say: profound shit

I don’t quite get it. How is it important whether the person with the suitcase that contains the red button to start the nuclear holocaust on our planet shares a delusion with millions or billions of other people? The email … Continue reading

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Evil Russians in American films

… really have the suckiest accents. Just watched episode 18 (“Rock Creek Park”) of season 10 of “Criminal Minds” and both geniuses on the BAU side (Reid and Agent Loker) as well as the “Russians” speak words that one can … Continue reading

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Lost it?

Here’s a well-meaning example of English used in public in Germany: Seems like some mobiles, wallets, handbags and umbrellas could use an anger management class?! This photo was taken in a metro train in Frankfurt am Main. // Oliver

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Speciesism and vegans

Vegetarians and vegans ((but mostly vegans)) often use the term speciecism, in a manner similar to how racism is used, to put forward arguments against the industrial scale exploitation of animals. While I sympathize with the goal, I don’t quite … Continue reading

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Brave man!

Yasiin Bey, aka Mos Def, endured on camera what the hunger strikers in Gitmo have to endure while being force fed. Kudos to the man for this bravery. Go watch the clip, if you dare. // Oliver

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Selective memory?

It’s fascinating to see how segments about the alleged downing of MH17 in the US news remembers Reagan’s reaction to the shoot-down of KAL007. Of course, if you want to emphasize “the president’s” reaction it’s an appropriate comparison. But a … Continue reading

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George Carlin

Remember him? One of my favorite contemporary American satirists. He had one piece where he stated that we have no rights. In particular he referred to all the Americans always yammering about their rights. He then pointed to the Americans … Continue reading

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An effort to crowdfund the pilot to a “Man from Earth” series

If you liked the movie after the story by Jerome Bixby, here’s the link to the Kickstarter campaign. Go join the effort. It’s needed, because the previous attempt failed. // Oliver

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Hey America(*), how are you?

(*) … well, I mean the USA of course. Apologies to the rest (and majority) of Americans on the twin-continent. But for the scope of this blog post I’ll continue this way. Thanks for your hospitality, America. It’s now been … Continue reading

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Macklemore anti-semitic because he looks like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

My significant other pointed me to this article over at People Magazine. The allegation is that Macklemore is anti-semitic, because his costume looks like a caricature of jews from the Third Reich. I don’t get it, my first association was … Continue reading

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PewResearch: “Despite Concerns about Governance, Ukrainians Want to Remain One Country”

PewResearch published a report about a poll that was conducted before the events in Odessa last Friday. The so-called “pro-Russian separatists”, or as the interim government likes to put it “terrorists”, should perhaps be called “ethnic-Russian autonomists” instead? С днём … Continue reading

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Oscar Wilde was right

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.

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Now, this is a talk on the phone and as such not always easy to discern, especially with both people talking in parallel. The SBU, Ukraine’s secret service, has an article titled “SSU Has Evidence of Russian Involvement into Capture … Continue reading

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Maria Zakharova wrote on the Facebook page of the Russian ministry of foreign affairs (Министерства иностранных дел России): One of the most important posts I ever did! I address this to my foreign media colleagues and friends from Reuters, CNN, … Continue reading

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Is Kerry the successor in spirit of Goebbels?

… and the State Department the new propaganda ministry? Check this out: Quite frankly I found the one-sidedness of this clip appalling. Not to mention the blatant lie starting at 1:12 concerning the options of the referendum on Crimea … Continue reading

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Please, someone make this happen: Stephen Fry as Bond villain :)

During his very enjoyable “Stephen Fry in America” he makes so many impressions of a Bond villain that I thought it would be fun to see him as one. Alternatively it would be cool to see him as a more … Continue reading

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“The less Americans know about Ukraine’s location, the more they want U.S. to intervene”

This Washington Post article is somewhat sad … // Oliver

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