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Category Archives: EN
Within the last two years or so I have started to use more and more PowerShell scripting at work and for my private administration tasks on Windows. The thing I find coolest about PowerShell is that you can tap into … Continue reading
FLOSS-Developers gone bonkers?
So as I understand under the hashtag #StandWithUkraine some idiots have started supply-chain attacks, targeting Russian and Belarussian targets. I’ll leave the exercise to find the respective repos on GitHub to the inclined reader. Has everyone gone bonkers now? Aside … Continue reading
George F. Kennan, 1997-02-05
A fateful error Excerpt: The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era. An op-ed by George F. Kennan in the New York Times from 1997-02-05. This … Continue reading
Chomsky before the invasion started
Noam Chomsky: on the Pandemic, Ukraine crisis & Climate Change
Signing my code from within a (Windows) VM
My main workstation runs Linux. It has for quite some time now. I had some issues getting 3D acceleration passed through using my AMD GPU and VMware Workstation, but finally got it to work. However, this time it’s about signing … Continue reading
Running IDA 7.x/8.x inside Crossover 21/22/24
For a few versions I had issues running IDA Pro in Crossover with IDAPython enabled. Prior to the starting issues, everything worked fine, e.g. in the IDA 6.x version range. Please note that the setup of IDA Pro also succeeded … Continue reading
Changing local Git clone from master to main
I never understood why Git chose master as the default branch name, MAIN in CVS seemed more sensible, but perhaps Torvald’s animosity towards CVS and SVN plays a role. Presumably trunk in SVN is a reference to the tree-like structure, … Continue reading
After more than 17 years — it all started in April 2004 — I am no longer hosting the UltraVNC forum. To the users the only very visible recent change may have been that now forwards to The … Continue reading
Corona Pass
As could already be seen in other EU countries the restrictions are getting more and more ridiculous. The pressure for unvaccinated people is mounting. This account of a Lithuanian man shows the absurdity of the rules once again and how … Continue reading
Just booted a Windows 2000 VM I archived 15 years ago
This was certainly one of the stranger, but also very intriguing things I’ve done so far this year. Alone the fact it’d prompt you for the setup CD (!) when simply removing one keyboard layout and configuring another as the … Continue reading
Posted in /dev/null, EN, Software
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Key witness for US in Assange case recants testimony
This is big, but I doubt that it’s going to change anything for Assange really. The British judge proved the UK is in bed with the US to keep Assange locked up. There is no other explanation for the January … Continue reading
Unprofessional, hopeless, Sectigo
In February I applied for an AuthentiCode code-signing certificate for personal projects. I decided to go with KSoftware, a reseller of Sectigo certificates. That was February 15th. TL;DR: More than two months and dozens of emails later I’m none the … Continue reading
Posted in EN, IT Security, Opinion, Software
Tagged certificate, Code Signing, Sectigo
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Giving up some domains
Just for the record, so no one gets the wrong idea from this point on, I am giving up the following domains: In the past I have given up other domains, but none of those were by … Continue reading
So turns out — for now! — Assange won’t be extradited. Whether he’ll be set free on bail is yet to be seen, though . The thing is that the lawyers representing the US government have already said they’ll appeal … Continue reading
Posted in EN, Human Rights, Opinion, Thoughts
Tagged Assange, Free Assange, Julian Assange
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Flashing Tasmota to the Gosund SP1, easy and hard way
If you ended up here it’s because you’re a subscriber or a web search led you here. Great. Tasmota is likely on your radar already and you’re trying to flash a Tuya-based ESP device with Tasmota. Easy way The easy … Continue reading
Finding which fonts offer a particular symbol with TeXlive
I just learned how to find a given Unicode character by its code, to see which fonts on the system support it. albatross 0x2114
I don’t feature products often, but this one deserves it
Zalman, a Korean company that filed for bankruptcy a few years ago and is better known for silent CPU and chassis fans and power supplies, is selling a range of devices that are being designed and produced by another Korean … Continue reading
Swiss companies and IT security
Given there’s a rather (in?)famous Swiss messenger touted as secure — but not open source — and the same was said about Crypto AG products until someone lifted the lid off the conspiracy surrounding that I’m wondering how one can … Continue reading
Posted in EN, IT Security, Thoughts
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Oh, so that’s what Republican stands for …
While Trump manages to avoid a concession speech, here’s what one of his most vocal boot-licking sycophants had to say: If we don’t challenge and change the US election system, there will never be another Republican president elected again. President … Continue reading
Running old Ubuntu versions as chroot with proot
Currently I am working on building a modern Clang/LLVM-based toolchain for ancient Ubuntu versions. In order to do that I wrote a few helper scripts I am using in conjunction with proot to run old Ubuntu rootfs inside a chroot … Continue reading
Posted in Bash, EN, Linux, Programming, Software, Unix and unixoid
Tagged proot, ubuntu
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