The laughable “democracy” of the European Union

Now that the Irish have rejected the Treaty of Lisbon in a plebiscite, European politicians suggest to leave the Irish behind and ratify the treaty regardless with only the consenting member states. This is a notable development because it shows all too well how the European Union (EU) works. The parliament as the body that represents the people has been overruled more than once by other non-representative bodies of the EU … and alone the fact that only around 4.2 million people out of more than 420 million are allowed to decide about their fate shows how “democratic” the EU and the states of which it is comprised really are.

// Oliver

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One Response to The laughable “democracy” of the European Union

  1. mathias says:

    The idea of leaving Ireland behind came from Steinmeier, secretary of State. The SPIEGEL says that in an interview with our secretary of the Interior, Schäuble. Speaking of him, he also had an interesting statement. 🙄 But I still think it was one of those stupid interns who wasn’t told not to speak out loud everything he hears. 😉

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