Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #13

Geysirs and hot springs.

By the way: the prototypical Geysir that gave its name to all of its kind only erupts irregularly now. What most tourists don’t realize is that the one that erupts regularly and which they see is called Strokkur and the actual Geysir is silently boiling a few meters from Strokkur, often neglected by visitors.

Little geysir / Kleiner Geysir


Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #13

Geysire und heiße Quellen.

Übrigens: der ursprüngliche Geysir, welcher allen anderen seiner Sorte den Namen gab, spuckt nur noch hin und wieder. Was die meisten Touristen nicht begreifen ist, daß der Geysir welcher regelmäßig ausbricht und bewundert wird Strokkur heißt und der eigentliche Geysir 1 ein paar Meter weiter leise vor sich hin köchelt.

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  1. also vom Namen her[]
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2 Responses to Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #13

  1. Mathias says:

    Compared to your previous post, the first image here would be the better desktop background because of its colors.

    And Strokkur is a perfect object for an image or a sequence of images with a shorter exposure time (to see some water drops ‘hanging’ in the air when it erupts). There are some pretty good pictures (with better weather ;)) if you look for Strokkur.

  2. Oliver says:

    Well, you’ll have mail later tonight.

    As for the first image, yes, I took it because I found it quite beautiful.

    But I liked the one in the previous post mostly for the similarity to the original. When I saw the scenery I actually thought to myself that this is the perfect Icelandic version of the original background.

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