Monthly Archives: August 2013

Powerful, moving and sad short film

Posted in /dev/null, EN | Leave a comment


So on July 15th I went to DHL here in Reykjavík to check what it would cost to send back a defective item received through DHL in the first place. After I was almost through the whole process, I saw … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Ausprobiert damit ihr nicht müßt …

Ich habe eine handbetriebene Kaffeemühle und da es ein langwieriger und arbeitsaufwendiger Vorgang ist an seinen feingemahlenen Kaffee zu kommen, hatte ich eine Idee. Einfach mal den Akkubohrschrauber oben ans Mahlwerk angestöpselt und geguckt. Der erste Versuch ging etwas in … Continue reading

Posted in /dev/null, DE | Leave a comment

For your benefit, I tried it so you don’t have to

I have a manual coffee grinder and since it’s a tedious and lengthy process, especially when you want very finely grained coffee, I decided to attach my screw drill to the top and try whether it works. Turns out during … Continue reading

Posted in /dev/null, EN | Leave a comment

“land of the free and the home of the brave”?

Edward Snowden leaks information about the massive surveillance world we live in under the disguise of the “war against terror”. Minitru could not have come up with a better wording in Orwell’s nightmarish novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Edward Snowden is being … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Opinion, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Oh for fucks sakes, Opera …

Why did you have to make your browser crappy like the rest of the bunch? Just upgraded to 15.something and lo and behold tab stacking is no more and I am confronted with a sh*tload of tabs whose labels or … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Opinion, Software | Leave a comment

For anyone who uses premake4 and needs an up-to-date binary

A code-signed binary is included in the ZIP archive available here. All contents are signed using PGP as well, so they can be verified using the following command line (replace gpg for gpg2 depending on your version): gpg –verify signature.asc … Continue reading

Posted in C/C++, EN, Lua, Programming | Leave a comment

What the creator of PGP thinks …

Read it over here. Excerpt: If we have a change in the government sometime in the future, that government will have such a powerful tool of surveillance, that we will find ourselves in a terrible predicament that we won’t be … Continue reading

Posted in EN, IT Security, Opinion, Privacy | Leave a comment

Spot on ….

Klaus Stuttmann, a German caricaturist, has gotten it right, I think. See his take on the situation and argumentation between the USA and Russia here. Translation: Putin: “If Snowden was a Russian who had published the world-wide surveillance of Russian … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Germans have no notion of sarcasm, Opinion, Thoughts | Leave a comment