Violating GPL to make the big money #2 …

Unbelievable. Even though the company is aware of their violation of the GPL, they don’t give a shit about it as it seems. They have been aware of it for at least one month now, yet their newest release which bears the version number 1.61 still contains the binary-identical file which is in violation of the GPL since version 1.55 (inclusive!).

What does this mean?
For me the answer is simple: this company and their license breach need to be put in the hall of shame ASAP! It is sad that they will already profit by the sales until now, but especially the users need to be made aware of this violation since it may impose legal insecurities on them as well!

Why am I so “obsessed” about this violation?
I am an OpenSource developer myself. I do carefully choose the licenses under which I put my code, although sometimes the choice might not be upon me anymore since the previous developer or the project which one joins has chosen a license already. But if someone would violate the license of code from me which is available under the GPL to make profit, I’d be furious. So as one of them (i.e. OpenSource developers) I feel it is my duty to hunt such people down or at least help in this process.

A person pointed me to the product in question and I want to thank him for doing so. Only thanks to him (he goes by the handle Coldmoon in several forums and is a freelancer) the violations of LGPL/MPL and the worse violation of the GPL in this application have been found. Thanks!

// Oliver

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