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Tag Archives: Visual Studio
Floating point precision … printf-VS2013-vs.-later-VS-version edition
As developers we probably all know that floating point precision can be an issue . It can haunt us in various ways. Generally when we talk about precision, though, we probably don’t have in mind printf as the first thing. … Continue reading
That trick I learned with the Visual Studio debugger
Alright, I’ll admit it it: I am in team WinDbg. Sure, I’ll happily use WinDbgX — the “Preview” version of the “new” WinDbg which has been in preview for ages now — but I always was a bit unhappy with … Continue reading
dumbin.exe, editbin.exe, lib.exe …
They’re all just slim wrappers around the actual link.exe, not using a common DLL or so, but actually invoking: dumpbin.exe simply invokes “link /dump” and failing that “link.exe link /dump” editbin.exe simply invokes “link /edit” and failing that “link.exe link … Continue reading
What does adding masm targets do under the hood
If in Visual Studio when you right-click a C/C++-project in the Solution Explorer, you choose Build Customizations…, the following dialog will be presented: If you check the item for masm, the following changes will be done to your .vcxproj file: … Continue reading
Microsoft has done us as users and itself a disservice. At work we are using email addresses in the form of Firstname.Lastname@onedomain.tld. They’re deemed the canonical form. Nothing unusual so far. Some of us, notably those who had something to … Continue reading