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Tag Archives: Trump
Oh, so that’s what Republican stands for …
While Trump manages to avoid a concession speech, here’s what one of his most vocal boot-licking sycophants had to say: If we don’t challenge and change the US election system, there will never be another Republican president elected again. President … Continue reading
Jeder darf mal recht haben
Geil, Dank postfaktischen Zeitalters darf jetzt jeder einmal recht haben. Diejenigen die vor der POTUS-Wahl gewußt haben wollen daß Clinton gewinnt, inklusive der Mehrheit von Statistikern können sich nun darauf stützen, daß Clinton ja mit mehr als 2,85 Millionen Wählerstimmen … Continue reading
Blame Russia!
Since Trump is slated to win the electoral vote and the DNC and Hillary Clinton blamed Russia during her campaign for all mischief that hit the campaign, why isn’t anyone trying to remove that president elect which allegedly won as … Continue reading
President Trump
Let’s face it, it looks like Trump will win, despite the bitching and moaning of the so-called “liberal” press in the US . Obviously the US has a certain history of assassinations (or attempts thereof) of its presidents, so it’s … Continue reading