Category Archives: Peace

The end of international law?

Well, I guess the inaction of the UNSC in the case of the Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus emboldened Ecuador to raid the Mexican embassy. I wonder if future historians — provided there will be any — … Continue reading

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George F. Kennan, 1997-02-05

A fateful error Excerpt: The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era. An op-ed by George F. Kennan in the New York Times from 1997-02-05. This … Continue reading

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Chomsky before the invasion started

Noam Chomsky: on the Pandemic, Ukraine crisis & Climate Change

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Chilling short film. Also check out

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Now, I’m no expert on international law …

… but the belligerent rhetoric between the two vain peacocks ruling the US and North Korea respectively, seems to have already resulted in a full-fledged war according to US-American cyberwar doctrine, it seems. It’s just that the North Koreans, if … Continue reading

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Scary report

Given just how explosive the current situation is, a little over a century after World War I started, the fact that Robert Parry is suggesting that Russia made it clear to Turkey they’d use tactical nukes in defense of their … Continue reading

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Honest words

In a recent interview US president Obama conceded that the USA behaves on our planet like a bully in would in a school yard. His words: Now, I also think that if we were just resorting to that and we … Continue reading

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Anders “Fokk” Rasmussen: Iceland crucial to NATO

Helvítis fokking fokk! The NATO flag was flying at the ministry of foreign affairs, approximately a hundred meters from our office here in Reykjavík, on Wednesday. I pointed it out to my colleagues who hadn’t recognized it while we took … Continue reading

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PewResearch: “Despite Concerns about Governance, Ukrainians Want to Remain One Country”

PewResearch published a report about a poll that was conducted before the events in Odessa last Friday. The so-called “pro-Russian separatists”, or as the interim government likes to put it “terrorists”, should perhaps be called “ethnic-Russian autonomists” instead? С днём … Continue reading

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Now, this is a talk on the phone and as such not always easy to discern, especially with both people talking in parallel. The SBU, Ukraine’s secret service, has an article titled “SSU Has Evidence of Russian Involvement into Capture … Continue reading

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Maria Zakharova wrote on the Facebook page of the Russian ministry of foreign affairs (Министерства иностранных дел России): One of the most important posts I ever did! I address this to my foreign media colleagues and friends from Reuters, CNN, … Continue reading

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Is Kerry the successor in spirit of Goebbels?

… and the State Department the new propaganda ministry? Check this out: Quite frankly I found the one-sidedness of this clip appalling. Not to mention the blatant lie starting at 1:12 concerning the options of the referendum on Crimea … Continue reading

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“Fuck the EU”

Why does Victoria Nuland have to apologize for what she said in a private phone conversation? Whoever leaked this, it’s enlightening to hear, but it’s also no big deal. Besides, even US-Americans use the f-word much more often than the … Continue reading

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Five Eyes

The Five Eyes, aka UKUSA Agreement, begs one giant question. Given that this exclusive “club” stretches across Anglo-Saxon exclusively countries and given the light Ed Snowden’s leaks shed on the relationship between GHCQ and NSA, where one wonders who is … Continue reading

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Okay, so …?

… if the USA defines cyber-attacks as acts of war have they then declared war on the rest of the world or how should the actions of the US secret services in “cyberspace” be interpreted? Or is the US taking … Continue reading

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Re: Are Americans the next Germans?

More circumstantial evidence transpired that US-Americans don’t understand the concept of irony anymore: Charles Schumer said: “He is not at all like the great human rights crusaders in the past, the Martin Luther Kings or the Gandhis who did civil … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Germans have no notion of sarcasm, Human Rights, Peace, Thoughts | 2 Comments

Religions of peace?

Most institutionalized religions, especially the proselytizing ones, seem to take an issue with criticism of any kind. Not that one should consider it criticism what I saw in the first few minutes of that unspeakable “Mohammed movie trailer”, but the … Continue reading

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Uhm … what?

Okay, so I didn’t have time to even watch this weird trailer about this anti-Islamic “movie” last week. Last night I did. Well, actually I did up to minute three (out of fourteen) or so. It was somewhere between really … Continue reading

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The plot thickens …

… and even though as a skeptic you won’t hear me say that the Mayans were right (and quite frankly I don’t think it’ll be the end of the world, at most the end for all biped advanced life on … Continue reading

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С днём Победы 2012 (Victory Day)

Classic! Today is Victory Day in many parts of the former Soviet Union. I’ve had some special Easter Eggs hidden on my website in past years, but never on my blog. Time to change this. Listen to the song “День … Continue reading

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