Monthly Archives: October 2013

Fuck you very much, Peter King (R-NY)

The United States has done so much through the NSA to save lives in Germany. We have done much more for Germany through the NSA than the German army has done for itself since WWII said one Peter King, Republican … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Opinion, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Grausam …

Bin mal wieder in D, also steht Computerwartung an. Ich installiere gerade System und Programme für meine Mutter und stelle fest wie viele der Programme sich nicht an Windows 7 Konventionen halten und bspw. direkt auf C:\ installiert werden wollen … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Meinung, Software | Leave a comment

Speaking of the devil

Just recently I mentioned Clean MX in this blog post and sure enough today I received another automated abuse message from them and relayed to me via Hetzner, my hoster. This time, however, I plan not to be so lenient … Continue reading

Posted in EN, IT Security, Opinion, Thoughts | Leave a comment

No relief

In the past software I wrote ended up in detection of anti-malware programs, more traditionally known under the term antivirus (AV) programs ((technically most of the malware that is found in the wild today aren’t viruses anymore)). As you may … Continue reading

Posted in EN, IT Security, Thoughts | Leave a comment