So my Mom bought herself a new cell phone. LG GS290. The phone is slick and all and pretty much offers a similar user experience as some smart phones, just without some of the bells and whistles.
The phone comes with a very slim printed quick start guide and no software CD or so. Obviously that means to turn to LG’s website. So we did. The download is some B2CAppSetup.exe, which quits, when started, after a few seconds with:

(the crappy quality is due to the fact that I had to remote into her computer)
No matter how I tried to start the software (including the method with Internet Explorer, shown in a Flash video at the LG website), it would always bail out with aforementioned message. There seemed no way, so I decided to give it a whirl on my machine, here in Iceland 😉
Yay, that worked. It downloaded something and launched it, so a quick look in Task Manager gave away its location and in a few seconds the downloaded application was transferred to my Mom’s machine and launched there. Now it worked. So what failed in the “LGMLauncher” (aka B2CAppSetup.exe) was obviously the download. But the “warning” message was pretty obscure and not helpful at all …
// Oliver
PS: The installed software seems to work a bit better now.
was heißt “aforementioned”? ich konnte das Wort nirgends finden, weder im analogen Wörterbuch noch in online Wörterbüchern. Ich meine, ich kann mir denken, was es heißen soll aber nichts desto trotz….
Grüße, Michael.
Gnaah… LG sucks. I’ve got a LG myself, the KS360. There is a update for my phone, but I’m not able to install it, because the Updater doesn’t work under Windows 7. So I tried Windows XP in a Virtual Machine – no way, Driver doesn’t work with the USB-Host. So, finally, I bought a new phone – a Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro – and I’m happy with it. 😉
Michael: “aforementioned” = “vorgenannt”. Ach ja, ist bald Weihnachten, laß dir mal ein vernünftiges Wörterbuch schenken
Daniel: strange enough. Here it was the opposite problem. My Mom has XP and it didn’t work, I have Windows 7 and B2CAppSetup.exe worked.