Monthly Archives: May 2013

Pope Francis: “atheists can be good” – oh really?

A short “The Guardian” article “Pope Francis says atheists can be good” discusses this new attitude towards unbelievers like me. That’s a refreshing new view from a person inhabiting a position that’s not known for this sort of “liberal” statements: … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Online-Petition zur Netzneutralität online

Auf der Seite für Online-Petitionen des deutschen Bundestags findet sich jetzt diese Petition: Der Deutsche Bundestag möge ein Gesetz beschließen, das Internetanbieter (“Provider”) verpflichtet, alle Datenpakete von Nutzern unabhängig von Ihrem Inhalt und Ihrer Herkunft gleich zu behandeln. Insbesondere sollen … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Gedanken | 1 Comment

I like Ricky Gervais …

… but the way you, Ricky, lash out against fat people, considering myself still part of that population , is kind of a disgrace that falls back on you, mainly for the weak main point you make. You’re perfectly right … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion, Thoughts, Weight loss | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment