Just found out how to properly “detect” in the sources file which one (32 or 64bit) is being built and assign a different output name to the debug symbols and the target file.
!if $(386) TARGETNAME=shellext32 !elseif $(AMD64) TARGETNAME=shellext64 !else TARGETNAME=shellext !endif
Pretty useful at times. I did try !if "$(CPUTYPE)" == "..."
but that didn’t work out for me. It may not be useful at first sight, but if you consider that due to WOW64, both DLLs could be in use at the same time on the same computer, the use may become more apparent … (for IA64 this wouldn’t be the case, though).
// Oliver
Year.. I use the same technique:
!IF “$(AMD64)”==”1”
Another question is a detection of type of platform in ddkpostbld.cmd… I use something like this:
if “%_BUILDARCH%” == “AMD64” (
set ASMDIR=x64
) else (
set ASMDIR=Win32
if not “%ASMDIR%” == “x64” set _BUILDARCH=i386
xcopy “.\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%_BUILDARCH%\*.pdb” “%SYMDIR%\%MYBUILDTYPE%” /Y /I /R /E /Q
if not exist “%TEMPDIR%\%PRJNAME%” md “%TEMPDIR%\%PRJNAME%”
move /y .\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR% “%TEMPDIR%\%PRJNAME%” > nul
move /y .\%ASMDIR%\*.asm “%TEMPDIR%\%PRJNAME%\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%_BUILDARCH%” > nul