Getting the SIDT base address with Delphi

function GetSIDTBaseAddress: DWORD; assembler; 
  sub esp, 8 // create stack frame 
  sidt qword ptr [esp] 
  mov eax, dword ptr [esp+2] // write into EAX for return value 
  add esp, 8 // clean up stack 

… or if the sidt opcode is unknown:

function GetSIDTBaseAddress: DWORD; assembler; 
  sub esp, 8 // create stack frame 
  { sidt qword ptr [esp] } 
  db $0F, $01, $0C, $24 
  mov eax, dword ptr [esp+2] // write into EAX for return value 
  add esp, 8 // clean up stack 

… or, if even this fails:

function GetSIDTBaseAddress: DWORD; assembler; 
  db $83, $EC, $08, $0F, $01, $0C, $24
  db $8B, $44, $24, $02, $83, $C4, $08

Why did I write this? No idea 😆 … someone asked in a German Delphi-forum for it and I had the answer, although I didn’t have it in Pascal/Delphi code until now. So I share it here for those who don’t speak/understand German but need this or similar code.

No copyright claimed, no liability on my side either, though!

// Oliver

PS: The ret is inserted by FreePascal and Delphi automatically, so no worries 😉

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