A two-part video at Youtube ([1], [2]) – and more can be found under the search term “Jesus Camp” – gives a frightening insight into the insanity of evangelicals or Christian fundamentalists as a whole. I wonder whether any one of these preachers or their “sheep herd” actually read the bible or larger parts of it.
The interesting part of it is, that one of the methods employed to bring these children (!) to “faith” is known as mass-hypnosis. This is clearly visible for anyone who has actually had a look into books dealing with the matter. While children can be easily manipulated even without hypnosis, things are a whole lot easier for the manipulators once they are in trance. There are many ways to convey subliminal messages (messages to the subconcious part of our minds) and this is one of the more effective ones, especially for children. Once I get a crowd into hypnosis and they are willing or being made “willing” by other means before (i.e. scaring them for hell awaits thee if you don’t believe) I could even convince them of the existence of Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Cui bono? 😕 …
// Oliver