My first earthquake (update)

Today I experienced the first earthquake I can remember (15:46 local time). It was of strength 6.1 to 6.7 according to first estimates. We should shortly see some entry on the website of Veðurstofa, the meteorology institute of Iceland which also handles seismic information. For now it seems to be literally overloaded by the number of requests (i.e. a legal “DDoS” 😆 ). … or maybe the admin, who also formerly worked for FRISK is compiling something at the moment and using up the much needed CPU power?! It was an obsession he had to always check the source code and then compile it himself instead of relying on precompiled binaries (which is not a bad idea).

Update: German and US sources agree that the strength was 6.1 and the source was about 50 km from Reykjavík. Here’s a seismogram (source):
20080529 1546  64.0  -21.0  6.1 ICELAND

20080529 1546  64.0  -21.0  6.1 ICELAND

// Oliver

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